Thursday, June 9, 2011

Show Off Your Green House Features

Green houses are selling these days, unlike most traditional homes that are spending far too long on the market. Buyers who are after a green house will come and take a look, but you must be clear in your house description that your house is, indeed, a green one.

The terms low VOC’s, passive heat gain, FSC certification, solar powered, etc. are what green oriented buyers are looking for when they peruse the online house sale listings. Most of the online real estate sites, in fact, now have the boxes you can check for green features to narrow your search. You will want to have your house included in those searches.

There are many areas of the country where this is particularly true. New York City, Colorado, and California, for example, have many eco-conscious citizens who are either in energy inefficient houses now and want to buy newer and better green systems, or they are already living green and want to continue when they move. Many other states have pockets of interest in ecologically sound living and more of those areas are popping up every day.

Don’t let this selling point slip by you. If you have a solar panel to heat your swimming pool or spa, advertise it. If you have put in south facing windows or a garden room off the kitchen to catch the heat of the sun in winter, advertise that, too. Can you boast of a micro garden in your patio area? Do so.

If you don’t have much in the way of green energy in your house and you want to put some in, there are a number of things you can add or do when you replace another appliance. Use only Energy Star rated appliances when you replace the old ones. Try installing a tankless hot water heater when you must replace the old one that’s just about worn out. These appliances are just slightly more expensive than buying traditional appliances without good energy ratings.

Look for sales on appliances to get the green versions as opposed to paying full price for the older types. Don’t replace the heat pump on the pool without checking on the possibility of a solar heating panel. You might be surprised at the cost if you look for bargains and it will be worth your while. You will be able to advertise your house’s green features when you put it on the market for sale.

We buy houses in the Washington, DC area. We buy houses in all price ranges, both ugly and pretty, in all areas. We can pay cash and make decisions quickly and we have attractive options to those looking to sell a property quickly, without doing any repairs.

We buy houses fast and easy, often in as little as 7 days. We can close quickly and most importantly, relieve your stress and help you regain peace of mind.

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